Interactive Site update - Fast and furious Live Jobs!

Rocky Mountains, here they come!!
A Founder's right arm is still in a full cast. The Doctor says she's stuck with it for two more weeks!  She's counting the days(0) left.  The Cast came off Friday 9-13 yea!   Her arm is frozen, but physical therepy is already started!
She will be off to Boulder, Colorado as soon as she can, to meet with a new collaborative company. This company will direct 30 programmer/coders to work on finishing up's interactive website.
They will finalize all Functionality aspects of Skip the Trip, along with Skip's Whooya!  Social Media Section. It will be an incredibly user friendly database and live Job arena.
                     Because Sometimes in business "It's Not what you know but  Whooya Know"
For new members flowing in: the name for our instant connections are "Whooya's"!
The specifics, details of and rules for when you are in the arenas to follow a few days before the live launch!
                         Before you know it!  "Whooya" will be heard around the world!

Published on Sep 8, 2013.