Going Live soon - Getting Close!

Huge numbers growing larger everyday!

Our webmasters are busy at work, building out the structure to our Live, Interactive Site. Due to complexities they didn't anticipate in making Skip, it's taking a little longer and more digital builders within the company are now on the project.

Members and visitors continue to flood in daily, with great numbers, most e-mails ask when can members use the site. 

In reviewing the company mock-ups, we are extremely excited to share the final site with our current and still-to-become members. We will keep you posted as we get closer to Launch.

Skip The Trip's National workers hub will be a first!  Spreading to the world soon.

One of the founders fell in her office last week and broke her arm in multiple places at the elbow, with compression fractures and large breaks. Thinking it was a dislocation, she pushed the two separate fractured bones back into place!  Needless to say she instantly knew it was a bad break and a few hours later her orthopedic doctor was amazed by both of what she did, and by how perfectly she placed the bones back in their correct place, not requiring surgery.

This injury slows down responses with some of our public email, but it doesn't slow our passion for Skip The Trip!   Skips programmers have not been slowed down...

Thank you again for all your support.


Published on Jul 30, 2013.