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                 We present you with a solid plan to find jobs, save money, gas and work closer to home, while boosting the economy and clear cars off the highways sooner. 

With your membership and support, millions of Americans could benefit the environment and highways from shorter commute times.

No more blanket job searches. No more dozen drafts of your CV/Resume. Our technique will do the search for you and send potential jobs into your profile e-mail box. Our unique process will do wonders to reduce daily stress, encourage free time and a stronger sense of community both at work and home. The focus of working closer to home will make our country more energy independent. Imagine what saving $200 or more a month on gas would do for most folks.

Once you create an account, help to get the word out further using "Tell a Friend" button.

We will amaze everyone on how well we can succeed in cutting down on highway traffic. Traffic stress won't be as much of an issue with a shorter commute. Use the saved time and money for ourselves, families and community involvement. 

Our main site will have a diversity of starting points for job exchange and for connecting you to unpublised Jobs! Thus saving your search hours for better things. 

                              We plan to have numerous unique Job connection areas 

      Our Green products area: We have done research on energy-saving devices for you! 

Our Energy Saving plan:  encompases saving gas, time & money by shortening members' commute times. We plan to help improve your quality of life and help the environment  We will accomplish this by selling you our Quality Green Products!  We have done the research to find the products and prices. We will also list Installers for the small wind turbines, solar panels (with built-in invertors) and small hydro-electric generators.  There is a federal mandate that power companies must offer to buy back any unused Killowatt hours produced through your property!  You will receive checks back, and thus, receive an economic boost!   When you get a check and spend it, someone had to make what you are buying, thus creating even more jobs!



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